Monday, May 2, 2011

Summary of Research

~I know it wont be easy to make this biodiesel. There are many recipes to follow but how do you know which ones will work. The only way to find out is by testing them. It seems that you can use many oils like waste vegetable oil, used cooking oil, fryer grease, animal fats, lard. Then you can mix those oils with Sodium hydroxide, Methanol, Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), Phenolphthalein solution and there is many more other chemicals that you can use but it's hard to find a perfect mixture of them together to make a biodiesel fuel that will move a bus.
~The best way to clean oil is by heating the oil first then filtering it through a filter like a coffee filter should work. After you should see no partles floating. You can repeat this proccess if you think it isn't clean enough


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is the name of the process you are using to clean the oil ? You didnt go in depth on how make Biodiesel

  3. you need a better explination of what chemicals you are mixing the oil with. Where can they be found and what do they do. The oil cleaning sounds pretty easy but you need some procudures it make the bio diesel.

  4. Good post, but you need some more details on the cleaning paragraph.

  5. need links to back yourself up.

  6. There is a proccess called a bubbler method, its when you drain glycerin then pour 2" of water at the bottom of the container and put an aquarium hose and air stone and blew air through it for about an hour. That is one proccess out of many.

  7. The chemicals are hard to find but you can get methanol from race tracks, you can get sodium hydroxide at a super market, its lye or draincleaner, adn you can also get isopropyl alcohol from a super market too, its just rubbing alcohol. If you cant find any chemicals in your local store you can always look anline to order.
